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This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

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Here's how to make a list:

!function($){ var defaults = { cols: 8, rows: 8, bombs: 10 }; var Cell = function Cell(x,y,isBomb) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.isBomb = isBomb; this.activeNeighbours = 0; this.neighbours = []; this.revealed = false; this._mark = ""; this.id = y + "-" + x; }; Cell.prototype.setValue = function(value){ var el = $("#minesweeper").find("td[data-index='"+this.id+"']"); el.removeClass('mark').html(value); switch(value) { case "!": case "?": el.addClass('mark'); break; case "X": el.addClass('bomb'); break; } return this; }; Cell.prototype.addNeighbour = function(neighbour){ this.neighbours.push(neighbour); this.activeNeighbours += (neighbour.isBomb ? 1 : 0); return this; }; Cell.prototype.getNeighbours = function(neighbour){ return this.neighbours; }; Cell.prototype.isRevealed = function(neighbour){ return this.revealed || this.isBomb; }; Cell.prototype.reveal = function(fn, context){ if(this.isBomb) { return ; } this.revealed = true; this.setValue(this.activeNeighbours); if(this.activeNeighbours === 0) { $.each(this.getNeighbours(), function(i, neighbour){ if(!neighbour.isRevealed()) { neighbour.reveal(fn, context); } }); }; fn.call(context); }; Cell.prototype.mark = function() { if(this.revealed) { return ; } switch(this._mark) { case "": this._mark = "?"; break; case "?": this._mark = "!"; break; case "!": this._mark = ""; break; } this.setValue(this._mark || " "); return this; }; var Board = { board: [], bombStack: {}, reset: function(rows, colls, numBombs) { var x, y, row, self = this; this.colls = colls; this.rows = rows; this.board = []; // reset the board this.bombStack = {}; // reset our current bomb stack this.generateBombs(numBombs); // build the data structure for(y=0; y'); for(y=0; y'); for(x=0; x').html(" "); tr.append(td); } tbody.append(tr); } Game.over = false; $("#minesweeper").empty().html(tbody); return this; }, validate: function(){ var numActive = 0; this.traversCells(function(cell) { numActive += cell.isRevealed() ? 0 : 1; }); if(!numActive) { this.checkBombs(); Game.complete(true); } }, reveal: function(cell, passive){ cell.reveal(this.validate, this); if(cell.isBomb) { this.checkBombs(); Game.complete(); } }, getCell: function(x,y) { return this.board[y][x]; }, generateBombs: function(numBombs) { var i; for(i=0; i=this.rows) continue; for(j=x-1; j<=x+1; j++) { if(j<0 || j>=this.colls) continue; if(x===j && y===i) continue; data.push(this.getCell(j,i)); } } return data; } }; var Game = { over: false, complete: function(win) { $('#status').html("Game Over, You " + (win ? "Won" : "Lost") + "!"); if(win) { $('#status').addClass("alert-success").removeClass("alert-info").removeClass("alert-error"); } else { $('#status').removeClass("alert-success").removeClass("alert-info").addClass("alert-error"); } var el = $("#minesweeper"); el.removeClass('active'); if(!win) { el.addClass('lost'); } this.over = true; }, setDefaults: function(){ $("#rows").val(defaults.cols); $("#cols").val(defaults.rows); $("#bombs").val(defaults.bombs); }, start: function(options){ options = options || {}; var pat = /\D/; var numBombs = $("#bombs").val(), colls = $("#cols").val(), rows = $("#rows").val(); // add some input valoidation if(pat.test(colls) || pat.test(rows) || pat.test(numBombs)) { throw new Error('Use numbers only'); } if (numBombs > colls * rows) { throw new Error('Too many bombs'); } if(options.skipConfirm || confirm("Are you sure?")) { Board.reset(rows, colls, numBombs).draw(); $('#status').html("Playing").addClass("alert-info").removeClass("alert-success").removeClass("alert-error"); $("#minesweeper").addClass('active').removeClass('lost'); } } }; $(function(){ $("#minesweeper").delegate("td", "click", function(e){ if(!Game.over) { Board.reveal(Board.getCellByEvent(e)); } }); $("#minesweeper").delegate("td", "contextmenu", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(!Game.over) { Board.getCellByEvent(e).mark(); } }); $("#new-game").on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $("form").submit(); }); $("form").on('submit', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); try { Game.start(); } catch(ex){ alert(ex.message); Game.setDefaults(); } }); $("#cheat").on('click', function(){ Board.checkBombs(); return false; }); Game.setDefaults(); Game.start({skipConfirm: true}); }); }(jQuery);

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